Monday 12 December 2016

Lugols Iodine Treatment of Keloids

Keloids are abnormal growth of scar tissue beyond the surface of the skin. Africans or Black Americans are more prone to having keloids. Keloids are benign, meaning that they pose no healthy risk but they can have a negative effect on a victim in terms of confidence and self esteem especially if they are at a site on the skin that is visible.

Keloids could form suddenly on the site of a skin surface that has been exposed to bacteria. If you have a keloid prone skin, it important to use antibacterial treatment to cleanse the skin after exposure to unhealthy environments most especially after a flight on an aeroplane. An air plane environment is often congested and not very healthy so bacteria could form on the skin as a result.

In order to reduce grown keloids, I make use of 15% Lugols Iodine solution. I put just enough Iodine I need in a small bottle cover then use a clean cotton bud to apply the Iodine to the site of the keloid. Thereafter, I pour some Iodine on a tissue paper cut with the same size of the keloid and then place this tissue paper on the keloid while pouring more iodine to the keloid. This treatment is VERY  painful and itchy, for up to 1 - 2 hours of application. When the iodine dries up, I remove the tissue paper.

This treatment procedure requires quite a while to see some improvement, up to three months. But diligent application will lead to sloughing off of the keloid layer by layer. Some advise to add DMSO to Lugols Iodine in 50:50 ratio for faster results. It has been found that this method will ultimately reduce a keloid to the level of a normal scar after which treatment can be stopped and the keloid would not grow back.

I apply Lugols Iodine treatment in the night just before going to bed. After bathing in the morning, I apply Vitamin E oil to the keloid. Vitamin E oil has anti oxidation properties and also helps in wound healing which further helps in the treatment.

I have found out that changing treatment procedures often irritate the keloid and so causes it to grow bigger. It takes time for the keloid to stop growing following a new treatment you have just commenced, say 1 - 2 months.  So once you get a combination of treatments that you feel is working, try to stick to it. You can switch to another treatment if you are very sure that the treatment would produce good result.

One thing you notice after prolonged application of Lugols Iodine is that itching stops. I started to apply the Lugols Iodine a year ago and the keloids have reduced since what it used to be before the treatment. However, I switched treatments during this period so the keloids increased in size a couple of times in between this period. To add, Iodine would stain the skin so the keloid skin will become darker than the rest of the other skin with prolonged use.

What treatments are you using your keloids that is working? I would like to read your comments.


  1. Hi, nice to see your post. It's been 2 months since your last update on the Iodine treatment on your keloids. Any improvements now? Hope you got better :)

    1. The treatment works, but it takes time.
      See for more information

  2. Try out this Keloids Herbal Treatment options for yourself and take before and after pictures to observe the difference.
